sober as a sayings

I’ve included 52 recovery quotes to include one each week. Do you have any favorite inspirational quotes that didn’t make my list? I hope these inspirational recovery quotes are what you need to read to celebrate your new life in sobriety. When I go to darker places, I pull out my inspirational recovery quote cards and remind myself of how far I’ve come. Also, the practice of writing in a sober journal is the best way to experience personal healing.

sober as a sayings

Sobriety Quotes – Quotes About Alcohol Abuse

And also, no one should feel like any attempts at sobriety deserve an asterisk next to them if they’re not approved by AA’s International Federation of Higher Power Association. (Not a real association, btw.) You can follow whatever set of rules you want to, as long as you stay honest with yourself. Discover how to tell if your roommate is on drugs by recognizing physical, behavioral, and psychological signs.

How to Keep a Grip on Early Recovery

Every day as a recovering addict, you face challenges and hardships many others fail to understand. Each time you wake up, you must choose to stay sober, regardless of what the day might bring. These inspirational quotes about getting sober are short, sweet, and to the accurate point.

Therapeutic Solutions for Addiction Recovery

  • The thing is, if I don’t have sobriety, I don’t have anything.
  • Individual counseling sessions can provide a more tailored and focused approach, addressing specific challenges and providing personalized guidance.
  • Eventually, they were making your most crucial life decisions.
  • “Do you feel like you’re way closer or a lot closer to like, you know, knowing who you are, what makes you happy, what fulfills you, all that stuff.

You have made the hardest decision to choose sobriety, so keep moving in that direction, and you’ll reach your goals. During this period, you may suffer from withdrawals and need to go through specialized inpatient treatment programs at a rehab center to become sober. It takes hard work, dedication, and an occasional relapse to recover from the disease of addiction. In moments when you’re feeling down or as if you may relapse, sometimes your own words are all you have to get yourself off that ledge. You may find that only one quote sticks with you, and that’s fine!

sober as a sayings

Your recovery may be your greatest glory, so make it your own. Addiction is a disease that can take the lives of the people that suffer from it. If you’re still here after all that you’ve gone through, there’s nothing else that you can do but keep pushing forward. You’ve been made stronger, having gone through all the hardships of addiction. Because sobriety is something that you have to choose every day, it can feel like an uphill battle.

  • I know for a fact that I was using alcohol to numb all the shitty parts of my life because I’m currently in the process of working through all that shit I was suppressing.
  • This is one of those addiction recovery quotes that I know will hit home for a lot of folks who hit rock bottom in their journey.
  • I eventually learned it’s just not possible for me to partake normally, and it sounds like you feel similarly.
  • So on our first sober anniversary, let’s take time to pause and look at some motivational quotes as we continue on this recovery journey.
  • Keep this in mind as you work through days or weeks or even months of struggling.

Best One Year Sober and Addiction Recovery Quotes

sober as a sayings

Sober Speak aims to be a beacon of hope for alcoholics, addicts, their families, and friends. When you download the Sober Sidekick app on either the iPhone or Android, you gain access to a community of sober-seeking individuals who want to support others. They can share inspirational quotes that helped them, give you advice when you’re struggling, and just be there to talk when sober as a sayings you’re feeling down. A graduate of Middle Tennessee State University, Demarco Moore currently writes blogs about drug addiction treatment and recovery to help save lives at treatment provider Landmark Recovery. Before that, he cut his teeth as a sports writer at the Manchester Times, where his coverage and stories won Tennessee Press Association awards in 2016 and 2017.

Popular Recovery Quotes from Celebrities who Struggled with an Addiction

Explore addiction as a disease of perception, unraveling brain changes, treatment approaches, and stigma reduction. Discover how to keep a grip on early recovery with effective strategies, motivation, and support for lasting success. Happiness is different than fun and while alcohol can help you have fun in the moment, it doesn’t lead to long-term happiness and joy. Not everyone will struggle with addiction but everyone has something in their life that they are trying incredibly hard to get through. Recovery presents its own challenge, mostly because there is no obvious finish line. ‘” Dr. Heinzerling says, adding that it requires a lot of small choices every day that add up for the rest of your life.

  • For even more support, contact We Level Up TX for alcohol treatment.
  • For people recovering from addiction, this can be encouragement.
  • However, digitally editable sober journal options are available if you prefer.
  • Some of the best drug free quotes and sayings amidst a chaotic life of addiction begin with the hope that something ‘out there can instantly fill up the emptiness inside.
  • Another study suggests that positive messages can counter and help reduce people’s tendency to hang onto negative experiences, such as the challenges of addiction and withdrawal.
  • These 100 inspiring quotes can help everyone through each step on the road to recovery.

sober as a sayings

More September Quotes & Captions

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